Artwork Explained: Maat

Artwork Explained: Maat

Introducing the eerie and mysterious Maat apparel range! This Egyptian inspired apparel range features the most fascinating visuals that will take you on a journey to ancient Egypt in a modern and aesthetically pleasing way. 

The striking, bold and intricate artwork featured in this apparel range has been curated by Karol Michalec. Karol is an exceptionally talented artist residing in the UK. Karol is a diverse artist who has a wild imagination and an extremely steady hand. He breathes life into every element of his designs with his precise technique, and his uncanny ability to bring a simple concept to life.

We really enjoyed working with Karol on this piece and you can see how much he enjoyed curating this design by the level of depth and detail showcased in the design. Here's his inspiration for our our newest work of wearable art! 

Maat was the goddess of honesty, truth, justice, balance and order. According to Egyptian creation myths, Maat was created when Ra arose from the waters of Nun. Maat was considered to be the daughter of Ra and she was married to the god of wisdom, Thot.

Maat was much more than just a goddess to the ancient Egyptians though, to them she represented the important concept of how the universe was maintained and thus the ancient Egyptians believed that the universe had an order to it, and it was Maat who kept everything in balance. This helped the ancient Egyptians develop a strong sense of morality and justice.

We hope you love this range as much as we do! 

- Lunafide Team 🖤

Maat Gallery Image


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